Monday, February 3, 2014

Teaching Team self-reflection 1

The Informed learning in photography paper addresses Jacobson and Mackey's "metaliteracy" and Ianuzzi's "Info lit 2.0 or Déjà Vu?" 

In CAP 115 this semester, I: 
  • made both the database searching and web evaluation exercises simpler 
  • made the exercises more generalizable--they are "searching" and "evaluation" as I emphasize that these concepts apply to different search tools and across information source types
  • dropped gamification
  • tried to make the exercises more geared toward the discipline of Advertising specifically
  • with evaluation, try to teach the "threshold concept" that "Authority is constructed and contextual" as I have for some time, by having students define the criteria and apply those
  • tried to generate more energy in the sessions.
Student evaluation: I modified questions from 2 student evaluation of teaching models that GVSU is considering so that they are more applicable to single-session librarian teaching model. Research has shown connections between the questions of these tools and student learning.

Peer observation: Beth Martin observed my CAP 115 searching class last week & we need to discuss that.

Non-librarian peer responses:

From: Barbara Ziemann
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 10:03 AM
To: Kim Ranger
Subject: RE: Cap 115 web eval comments

Thanks, Kim.
Reading these comments [students' responses to evaluating website products] was interesting. Some kids can't get beyond appealing design, but most of them used what we have taught them and chose Honeywell as the more credible site. Yea! Thanks for your help. I think this session went especially well. Before we get going on Tuesday, I'll give the kids time to fill out the online survey. Thanks again for driving downtown to meet us and for doing a great job!

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