Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teaching Team self-reflection 2

CJR 390: Technical Writing, required for Health Communication majors

I want to do something really different – announcing to the class that each of them is chief info officer for a hospital which has just had an outbreak of “berry berry”, brainstorming what they are going to do, prioritizing & narrowing to 3-4 questions to research, letting them research for 10 minutes. Re-group, report out. Then focusing on the library subject guide, etc. to improve the research.
Basically, more facilitating, less presentation. More improvisational on my part.

Response to plan: Rick VanGrouw
From: rvangrow@gmail.com [rvangrouw@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 3:04 PM
To: Kim Ranger
Subject: Re: CJR390 today

I LOVE IT! Fabulous idea. This class is pretty quiet, but I think they'll really get into an exercise like that! Splendid!

PBL: as "chief communication officers" of a hospital with an outbreak of SARS, students were charged with brainstorming issues & questions; they prioritized the questions to 4; in groups researched & reported out; & then we discussed appropriate library sources & search tools.
They chose: find out what SARS is; contagion/infectiousness; containment within & outside of the hospital; communication plan--media, message, channels. They all found info via CDC; 1 group used a MI.gov site. None used library site or resources.

IL objective: Articulate the specific information needed. 

Librarian Teaching Evaluations: n=7
Q1: I have learned something which I consider valuable.
Strongly Agree=4; Agree=2; Neutral

  • The most valuable thing I learned was: Where to look on the library site.
Q2: The Librarian was enthusiastic about teaching the session.  
Strongly Agree=4; Agree=2; Neutral=1

Q3: I found the library session intellectually challenging and stimulating.
 Strongly Agree=3; Agree=3; Disagree=1
Q6: Students were encouraged to ask questions and share their ideas and knowledge.
 Strongly Agree=6; Neutral=1

Q7: The Librarian made students feel welcome in seeking help/advice in or outside of class.

 Strongly Agree=6; Disagree=1

Q8: I learned how to find and use resources for answering questions, solving problems, or completing an assignment.
  Strongly Agree=5; Agree=2

Q9: The Librarian encouraged students to use multiple resources (e.g. databases, library holdings, outside experts) to improve understanding.

Strongly Agree=5; Agree=2
Q10: The Librarian asked students to help each other understand ideas or concepts.
 Strongly Agree=3; Agree=2; Neutral=2

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