Monday, September 17, 2012

Gamification 4 - CAP 115

Unexpected development: I noticed that after the game was finished last week, we had 3 teams with the max # of points, but the other teams revised their scoring during the discussion (erased & re-filled in their scores) to say they had won too…. Didn’t expect that. The prize was 3 extra-credit points vs. the 2 that everyone else got for participating--not that much of a difference. How to deal with it? I’m going to collect all of the sheets at the end of the game, then have the discussion, to foil cheating.

I also need to have the students report out more fully on which databases and terminology they used to find the relevant articles. One team found 6 relevant resources and another 4, very surprising since the librarians who trialled the game struggled to find 1-3 resources! All-in-all, it was a successful first go.

Today I noticed that the students, while using fairly advanced techniques, weren't able to score themselves accurately, i.e., they reported in writing that they used certain techniques but weren't able to describe them when I asked how or if they did so. I wonder if I should have them come up to the instructor station? The scores weren't an a good assessment of their practice. Maybe the scoring sheet needs to be more explicit: name the database, write down the exact search which yielded the good resource, including any "limiters" or narrowing menu items clicked.  

Today was the 2nd section, then there will be 2 additional sections next week. Stay tuned.... 

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