Thursday, March 2, 2017

Call for Proposals: Informed Learning Applications

As editor of the upcoming Emerald Group Advances in Librarianship series book Informed Learning Applications: Insights from Research and Practice, I am seeking submissions for chapters that describe the application of informed learning to practice and associated theoretical developments, including the application of informed learning to specific discipline or cultural contexts.

Chapters may be authored singly or co-authored, and may be informed by collaboration between librarians and classroom instructors about applying informed learning or information experience theory. Chapter length: 5000-6250 words plus references.

15 April 2017: Chapter proposals due. Submit via the Chapter Proposal form.

Submissions should include an abstract of the chapter and more detail addressing any of the following ideas:
    a) What types of scholarship/creative communication acts are valued, engaged in, and taught to students?
    b) What are best partner practices by librarians and classroom faculty to bring students into their disciplinary information and communication practices, perhaps regarding any of the following?
         Course Creation
         Course Redesign
         Rubric Design
         Incorporating Scholarly Communication
         Redesign of Library Subject Guides
         Assessing Student Informed Learning
    c) What types of scholarly/creative resources should the Libraries collect and teach based on these values, engagement, and learning?
    d) Using informed learning for staff development
    e) Designing informed learning experiences, face-to-face or online (including MOOCs)
    f) Suggest a related topic

Proposals are due 15 April, 2017. Submit via the Chapter Proposal form.


Kim Ranger
240 Mary Idema Pew Library
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI 49401
Informed Learning Applications: Insights from Research and Practice

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