Monday, February 9, 2009


Almost finished with the proposal for the one publisher I chose which does not accept simultaneous submissions. My plan is to send this one 1st as it has a very short response time, then to send the proposals for those that accept simultaneous submissions all at once. I wrote the summary, description, Table of Contents, & author description, & had a Baptist layperson read it. She said she would be interested in reading the book based on the proposal. Finished the section which asks for a list of similar books already in print by the publisher & its affiliates and an explanation of how mine will differ from them and, more importantly, improve on them. Wrote to 4 faculty colleagues asking if they would be willing to either have me list their name as a possible contact or supply positive comments that could be used for publicity purposes (1 said he’d rather not as he has several projects going; 1 asked for the mss; 2 have not yet responded). Filled out the section on the readership(s)/audience/s I envisage for the book, and courses for which the book may be suitable.

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