Friday, October 12, 2012

Gamification 9: Photography & learning styles

Based on the book chapter by Penny de Byl and Jeffrey Brand, "Designing games to motivate student cohorts through targeted game genre selection" in Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational games: Multidisciplinary approaches edited by P. Felicia (Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2011, 567-582), I modified the exercise for Photography (CPH) 279 to incorporate the "strategy games" which suits the typical learning style of photographers (divergers/reflectors). Table 3 indicates that the "typical action" for strategy games would be to "build [a] nation in competition with others" by "analysing interdependent variables (576)."


As Photography majors, you are setting your artistic vision into the photographic context, gaining skills to refine & further craft that vision.

Your assignment is to: Research a photographer whose work inspires you currently in photography. Research the photographer in order to find out more about his/her work. This is not a biographical paper, but learning about the photographer’s life and cultural milieu may provide insight into the work.

During today’s class session, think of this as a game: You’ll compose an image of the photographer’s work by finding information on him/her and his/her work. You are building a picture of the photographer’s artistic world.

Manipulate the impression/image of her/his work by structuring your search strategy:
· where
· words
· word order (first name first?)
· specialized search techniques

You also manipulate the impression by the sources you choose:
Full text
· Get it @GVSU
· Document Delivery
and in how you communicate your intention:
· citing sources, including images

You each have a worksheet. You can trade search tips with each other, ask questions, and by the end of class, you should have a better understanding of information resources and a fuller picture of a photographer’s work.

Getting expert help:
· librarian, library website, subject guide for Photo, research handout
· peer research consultants: 1st floor Zumberge Sunday-Thursday 4:00-10:00
· Writing Center

Here is the form the students will fill out:

Analyze variables to build the identity of a photographer & an impression of her/his work.

1. Photographer’s name: ___________________________________________________
2. Living or dead? Time period of life/work:_____________________________
3. Country/Nationality: ________________________________________________
4. Best known for photography, film, or other? Is there a particular style associated with him/her? ________________________________________________________________
5. Well-known – lots of info? How many books at GVSU about this photographer? _____________
6. List call #s: ____________________________________________________________
7. Not as well known? Use Databases on Subject Guide for Photography—how many articles can you find? List databases used, number of relevant articles in each (email articles to yourself), search tips:
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
8. Can’t find anything? Use “Find articles, books, & more.” How many results which are relevant? How did you narrow the results to get relevant items? (save citations into folder & email to yourself)
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
9. Still nothing, or want that extra tidbit? Websites—urls and/or tites (no more than 2):
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
They'll get a "research tips" handout at the end of the class.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gamification 8

10/17/2017: I skimmed a conference proceeding today and saved it to my Liaising folder:
Dey, Sharmistha & Eden, Rebekah. (2016). Gamification: An emerging trend. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), 28 June - 1 July 2016, Chiayi, Taiwan. Retrieved from:

This quote was interesting: "In accordance with Eden et al. (2012) p. 2 'an archival analysis extends the concepts of a literature review by identifying the patterns of literature, possible future trends and identifying gaps for studies to focus in future research'” (p. 4).

Also useful: Table 2 on p. 8 - Gamification Design Elements. Extracted from (Kankanhalli et al. 2012 p. 3) “Gamification a New Paradigm For Online User Engagement.”

"Points: Users can earn different types of points by participation and performance
Virtual Badge: Users can collect badges that visually indicate their achievements as they accomplish specific tasks and missions
Leaderboard: A leaderboard enables users to compare their own performance with others and stimulates competition
Level and Status:  Level typically shows progress in the game. Level may be indicated by a numeric value or a user’s status such as “novice” or “expert”
Quests and Challenges: Quests and challenges guide users to perform pre-defined tasks. They help inexperienced users to learn how to move forward
Progression: A visual tool that displays the advancement of users and the remaining work to reach a goal. It motivates users to accomplish a pre-determined goal
Viral Loop: The steps a user goes through between entering the site to inviting the next set of new users. In most social games, users can play better by inviting and working together with others"

Sharmistha is at QUT in Y7. She has had an article accepted that builds on their archival review above, so I'll need to keep an eye out for it.

I found these articles 10/8/2012:

A literature review & gamification principles:

Maura A Smale. "Learning through Quests and Contests: Games in Information Literacy Instruction." Journal of Library Innovation 2.2 (2011): 36-55.

The second one describes what I did this semester, with the only major difference being their focus on “how to evaluate Internet sources“ and mine “advanced database searching techniques.”

Maura A Smale. "Get in the Game: Developing an Information Literacy Classroom Game." Journal of Library Innovation 3.1 (2012): 126-47.

Today I found out that Jeffrey Brand will be visiting GVSU as the School of Communications' distinguished alumnus. I am reading his chapter:
Penny de Byl and Jeffrey Brand. "Designing games to motivate student cohorts through targeted game genre selection." Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational games: Multidisciplinary approaches. Ed. P.Felicia. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2011. 567-582.
I look forward to his visit!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Gamification 7 - CAP 115

Post-game evaluation in 2 sections, via SurveyMonkey.

Please rank the following in-class activities as to how likely you are to participate (1 least likely, 6 most likely)

____ complete an exercise on your own

____ complete an exercise in a pair

____ complete an exercise in a small group

____ complete a game by playing solo against everyone else

____ complete a game by playing in pairs

____ complete a game by playing in small groups

On a scale of 1(least) 5(most) how likely are you to participate in class (activity such as an exercise or game) if it offers extra credit?

1                    2           3         4            5

not at all likely         neutral            most likely