Jun. 4th, 2011: Cerulean warbler weekend
OK, so I didn't go to the actual festival, but I did go with an experienced birder to Barry Co. I saw a hooded warbler, yellow-throated vireo, yellow-throated warbler, Amer. Redstarts, an Indigo bunting, female Rose-breasted Grosbeak, a Tanager (wow!), Eastern wood Pewee, a Baltimore Oriole, and the elusive Cerulean warbler (Otis Lake Road, just north of the lake). I also heard ovenbirds & Veeries (is that the plural of Veery?) Interesting quote from Cornell's Birds of North America: "Song resonates as if singing into a metal pipe. Ethereal quality of Veery’s song has been celebrated in prose for more than a century. 'Their song consist[s] of an inexpressibly delicate metallic utterance...accompanied by a fine trill which renders it truly seductive' (Baird et al. 1874)." Reminded me of the Pied Butcher (aka Organ) Bird in Australia. Gorgeous morning.
May. 28th, 2011
Kirtland Warbler Festival, Roscommon, May 21
On Saturday we got up at 5:30 for the 7:00 bus trip to view Kirtland warblers. Noisy, large group, but I finally did see a couple of the warblers singing on the tops of snags. We got t-shirts and buttons. There is a lot of poverty in Roscommon and signs of the economic downtown, and very poor soil. The landscape reminded me of St. Croix, WI.
Drove to Grayling for breakfast, and to Torch Lake, which is spectacular. This is where
Stopped in at Northwestern Michigan College for the BBQ buffalo burger fund raiser, then visited the Music House Museum in Acme, with automated musical instruments like music boxes, a "piano player," player pianos & organs, jukeboxes, phonographs, radios, nickelodeon, a Worlitzer organ for silent movies, etc. Two hours wasn't enough time. Poppycock's is my favorite restaurant in TC & we enjoyed a delicious dinner, then adjourned to the jacuzzi in our room at the Cherry Tree Inn.
May. 15th, 2011
May. 9th, 2011
Birds & flowers
My bird list: Buffleheads, Lesser Scaup, Wood Ducks, Ruddy Ducks; Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler; Spotted Sandpiper; Bluebirds; Baltimore Oriole; Tree Swallows; White-crowned Sparrows; Belted Kingfisher; and a Green Heron.
The birds we spotted were in a mix of habitats: Reed’s Lake, in East Grand Rapids–a small, shallow, freshwater lake; our backyard (suburban Grand Rapids); Blandford Nature Center Community Garden–open field near marsh & woodland areas; a wooded backyard in Ottawa County near the Grand River; and the Muskegon County Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Wildflowers: marsh marigolds in profusion, a few short geraniums, and one phlox.