Wednesday, March 23, 2011

10 Greatest Poets & more

Dean Rader's "The 10 Greatest Poets: My List" from City Brights Blog, posted March 03 2011, is a must-read for anyone interested in poetry.

Closer to home, MLive - Kalamazoo Gazette has this:
Former Poet Laureate Kay Ryan to talk about public role, private pursuit at KVCC Published: Sunday, March 20, 2011, by Mark Wedel. In it, she says,
“I’m a person who lives a quiet life. I ride my bicycle a lot. I stay in my county a lot. I live simply. I don’t run around with poets. I read, I write. And I seek a — what shall I say — a limited sensory input.” ... On a long bike excursion in 1976, Ryan said she had an epiphany to write poetry. “It’s exactly the story of a calling,” she said. “I simply couldn’t avoid it. It was the thing that profoundly and endlessly occupied me.”
And finally,
“The next really deeply interesting poet is going to come from a farm outside of Kalamazoo,” she said.