Monday, January 20, 2014

Informed Learning & Teens

Harlan, Mary Ann, Christine Bruce, and Mandy Lupton. "Teen Content Creators: Experiences of using Information to Learn." Library Trends 60.3 (2012): 569-87.

Info practices: 
1.  Gathering = learn how to interact, community expectations, tools for creating 
     (1st & 2nd Faces of informed learning: 
          1st "info awareness & communication" = gathering; 
          2nd "sourcing info" = browsing & searching)

     A.  Inspiration - ideas encountered serendipitously (not intentionally) cause 
           emotional resonance. Requires openness.
     B.  Focused browsing - more intentional, but no specific need identified, just 
          interest (e.g., bookmarks, favorites).
     C. Direct searching - specific skills needed: 
             application / doing - tutorials, search engines
             social contacts - online communities, forums 

2.  Thinking = learning by engaging with & integrating info into existing knowledge
      (3rd & 4th Faces: 
          3rd "info process" = planning & reflecting; 
          4th "info control" = musing & considering) 

     A. Choosing a community:
          1. Participatory culture - 
              a. low barriers - low cost & ease of use
              b. welcoming
              c. strong support - sharing, feedback, encouragement, mentorship
          2. Observation - 
              a. tenor of interactions
              b. social mores (rules, expectations)
              c. evaluate potential role 
     B. Evaluating authority - trusted sources provide valuable info to improve process
          1. Popularity within community
          2. Self-confidence of provider
          3. Helpfulness / usefulness for future, especially if there was a personal aesthetic 
     C. Musing - unaware / subconscious inspiration (idea in background)
     D. Considering - exploring inspirational sources in depth (collecting, reading, 
          responding, interacting, emulating)
     E. Planning - discussion / conversation (bouncing ideas around)
     F. Reflecting - by trial & error, & problem solving

3.  Creating 
     (5th & 6th Faces:
          5th "knowledge construction" = modeling
          6th "extending knowledge base" = composing)
     A. Participating - commenting & liking - building a library of content attached to
          their profile
     B. Copying - copy & apply content in order to: master tools & techniques, & build 
     C. Modeling - use others' content as a guide but apply techniques / choices 
     D. Composing - new, original content demonstrates: knowledge of skills, 
          community practices, & creative engagement with info.

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